Making a Combo Box Choice static to a specific client/file

  • Thread starter Thread starter gwmurray
  • Start date Start date


Ok folks... I am writing my first Dbase. This DBase is a healt
assessment tool that will house client data. Basic contact data.

I want a dropdown combo box that will list the states of the US, onc
the state is chosen it the field is static and specific to that clien
file. What happens right now is when I create a combo box it lists al
the states, however, whatever option you chose on the first client fil
populates to all the client files in the dbase, and if I go to clien
file number 4 and change the state there it changes it to all th
client states to the one I chose.

How can I make a combo box option static to the individual client file
Not everyone is from new york, but if I change client file 1 to Ne
York and client file 2 lives in New Jersey. The moment I change th
state on client file 1 to New York it makes client file 2 in th
database from New York as well. HELP! :
After trying and trying I fixed this problem on my own. I figured that
since noone else posted it may be because noone else knows how to fix
it so i'm gonna post my own solution to this problem here for any
future searches on this forum about this subject...

I had to go into my main table, add a new column, name it
"State_Option" I then went into the Option Box wizard, told it to grab
the states form a table I had created earlier called "States" with all
the states and their abreviations. Then at the end it asks you two
questions... first is
"Remember the value for later use"
"Store that value in this field" and it has a drop down box... I click
on the drop down box and chose the column field I had created earlier
in my contacts table "State_Option"... Went in, tested it and worked
like a champ.

hope this helps someone out there. :D