This may help: "Windows Backup Does Not Back Up to CD-R, CD-RW, or
True, but that link's information is very badly worded, a trait of MS
documentation that's not uncommon. Where it says:
To resolve this issue, perform the backup to some other media type, for
example, to a tape or to a hard disk. "
means: The "other" media type is the applications that came with your CD,
DVD, whatever. I think it's the "packet" feature that's required, but I
could be wrong on that. At any rate, any app/drivers that will let you
access the CD/DVD drive as a drive letter will in fact let you write to it
with MS backup, or, more specifically, ntbackup.exe.
Personally, I favor WinZip for backups with one exception: Full Backups. I
use ntbackup.exe for each full backup only, and then I use Winzip to do
further incrementals etc, because it makes it so much easier to restore a
singly file, Favorites, email, whatever. I haven't yet had to use the full
backups for anything, but it's comforting to have them because eventually
they WILL be needed!