If I try to run this query from vba or by double clicking on it in the
navigation pane:
SELECT Key, [Curr Qtr TY], [Curr Qtr LY], Diff, Pct, [YTD Pct]
INTO dctCurrQtrActYTD
IN '\\ds3\Access Databases\DataCentral\DataCentral.accdb'
FROM tblCurrQtrActYTD;
I get this error:
"You cannot record your changes because a value you entered violates
the settings defined for this table or list."
The query fails on the same error if I run it from design view. But,
if I open it in design view, then uncheck and recheck the show
checkbox for any field, the query runs. Doesn't matter which field I
choose, and in the end all the show checkboxes are checked, just like
they were when I started.
This is a problem because I'm trying to run this query (along with
several others) automatically through vba every morning. Does know
what is causing this?
If I try to run this query from vba or by double clicking on it in the
navigation pane:
SELECT Key, [Curr Qtr TY], [Curr Qtr LY], Diff, Pct, [YTD Pct]
INTO dctCurrQtrActYTD
IN '\\ds3\Access Databases\DataCentral\DataCentral.accdb'
FROM tblCurrQtrActYTD;
I get this error:
"You cannot record your changes because a value you entered violates
the settings defined for this table or list."
The query fails on the same error if I run it from design view. But,
if I open it in design view, then uncheck and recheck the show
checkbox for any field, the query runs. Doesn't matter which field I
choose, and in the end all the show checkboxes are checked, just like
they were when I started.
This is a problem because I'm trying to run this query (along with
several others) automatically through vba every morning. Does know
what is causing this?