make security in two part of institute

  • Thread starter Thread starter mahmoudmga
  • Start date Start date


I have one education institute that has 2 parts : student part and
staff part with an ADSL internet connection.
i install Xp2003 Server/AD/DNS for staff lan , this lan contains some
important software and Mcafee local server AV.

i want to my students in its lan can access to internet and its client
can update from local Mcafee Server.
My question is : how i can increase security that students can not
access to software on staff lan or access other resource? and this is
a good way that i define this two lan in one domain?
You said you were using AD. Create user groups for staff. Give them
permissions to the folders you want them to access. Add students to another
group and do not give them permissions to the shares you do not want them to