Make Reports that can pass parameters at Run-time? :: ASP.NET + CR.NET


Don Wash

Hi There!

I've posted a few days back about this issue but no solutions has been found
and that's why I'm re-posting this.

I'm using built-in CrystalReport that comes with VS.NET 2003 to create
reports for use it ASP.NET.

How do I configure a graph in the Report (*.rpt file) so that I can pass the
SQL Query as an argument from ASP.NET Application? I know that I can define
parameters in Crystal Report .NET but I don't know how. I also know that
from ASP.NET you can pass values to the parameters defined in Crystal Report
..NET at run-time but again I don't know how.

Please advice!

Many Thanks,

Lucas Tam

How do I configure a graph in the Report (*.rpt file) so that I can
pass the SQL Query as an argument from ASP.NET Application? I know
that I can define parameters in Crystal Report .NET but I don't know
how. I also know that from ASP.NET you can pass values to the
parameters defined in Crystal Report .NET at run-time but again I
don't know how.

Easiest way would be to pass a dataset to Crystal.

Don Wash

Hi Lucas,

Thanks for the reply! How do I pass the DataSet to Crystal Reports?

Many Thanks,

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