Steven L Umbach said:
If that is what you really want to do, then open up the Local Users and
Computers Management Console [ lusrmgr.msc and select groups] on that
Actually, one would do this on the Pro machine and there add the
domain group to the machine local administrators group of the Pro
If the domain group does not already exist, that is done with dsa.msc
(Users and Computers tool) on or targetting the domain, defining the
group and adding accounts to it.
Steve, I think you overlooked OP's mention of this being on W2k Sp3 Pro
and add domain users to the administrators local group. There are ways to
automate this if the number of computers are large. There are often work
around [not always] to applications that will run only when the user is a
local administrator. You want to avoid making users local administrators
whenever possible. -- Steve
shawn said:
I need to make the domain users group a member of the local admin group on
my windows 2000 pro. - SP4 pc. Not sure how to accomplished this.
NOTE: Basically make all of my users (domain users) who log onto the
windows 2000 server on certain PCs a member of the local admin group of
affected PCs.