Make form to default to "blank"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Emily
  • Start date Start date


I created this form for data-entry purpose, but I don't
want the users to see what's in previous records or to use
the navigation bar. I want them to enter all of the data,
hit "Enter" and have that data stored in the corresponding
table, and then have the form return to a blank form where
they can either enter a new record or close the form. How
could I do this?

Thank you very much!!!
(this site has saved my hide many a time--much
Set the DataEntry Property of the Form to True.

When you use the OpenForm Method, use the acFormAdd option.

Check Access Help / Access VB Help on DataEntry & OpenForm.
you need a sub to clear the data out once the record has
been accepted using the call method. here is an example of
a sub i use for one form. I usually write a clear form sub
for mosts of my data entry forms and call clearform as the
last thing in the update sub.

Private Sub Clear_Form_Click()
On Error Resume Next

Me!txtControlNbr = Null
Me!txtItemID = Null
Me!txtDescription = Null
Me!txtVendorName = Null
Me!txtPOonPackSlip = Null
Me!txtPackSlipNbr = Null
Me!txtPackSlipQty = Null
Me!txtPOQty = Null
Me!txtOKICountQty = Null
Me!txtOverUnderPO = Null
Me!txtOverUnderPS = Null
Me!txtOther = Null
Me!txtRecdBy = Null
Me!txtDateRecd = Null
Me!txtStatus = Null
Me!txtInstructionComments = Null
Me!txtBuyer = Null
Me!txtDateDispositioned = Null
Me!CmdAccept.Enable = False
End Sub
Thank you for the advice. I am a very basic user, so
where do I paste this information and what is a sub?

Thank you,