make a treeview from database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Armin Zingler
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Armin Zingler

QT said:
Dear Sirs,

I have a database table which has 4 column such as

Document Name

I want to make a treeview like this

+ Document Name

I try several way but I can not add child nodes after adding document
names. Where can I find good explanation?

Best Regrads

Write a recursive procdedure. Pass a System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeCollection
collection to the sub. Calling the sub the first time, pass treeview1.nodes.
Within the procedure, add a node and call the procedure passing the node's
Nodes collection.

Add a new node for each record. Here is an example.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Dim ds As New DataSet

Dim dvCustomers As DataView

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim conn As SqlConnection

Dim daCustomers As SqlDataAdapter

Dim daOrders As SqlDataAdapter

Dim strConn As String

strConn = "Data Source = " + SystemInformation.ComputerName

strConn += "\VSdotNet; Initial Catalog = NorthWind;"

strConn += "Integrated Security = SSPI;"

conn = New SqlConnection(strConn)

daCustomers = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Employees order by LastName,
FirstName", conn)

daCustomers.Fill(ds, "Clients")

dvCustomers = New DataView(ds.Tables("Clients"))


End Sub

Private Sub AddNodes()

Dim drCustomer As DataRowView

Dim root As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode

Dim strName As String

With trvNorthWind



For Each drCustomer In dvCustomers

strName = drCustomer.Item("FirstName") & " " & drCustomer.Item("LastName")

Dim n As TreeNode

n = New TreeNode(strName)

Dim snCountry As TreeNode

Dim snCity As TreeNode

snCity = New TreeNode(drCustomer.Item("City"))

snCountry = New TreeNode(drCustomer.Item("Country"))




Next drCustomer


End With

End Sub

End Class

* "QT said:
I have a database table which has 4 column such as

Document Name

I want to make a treeview like this

+ Document Name

I try several way but I can not add child nodes after adding document names.
Where can I find good explanation?

Loop though the rows and add the items:

Dim tnDocument As TreeNode = Me.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(...)
Dim tnSubPart As TreeNode = tnDocument.Nodes.Add(...)
Hey Armin,
You really do know your stuff dont you. I wonder how you
are not an MVP already ?

Regards - OHM

Armin said:
Write a recursive procdedure. Pass a
System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeCollection collection to the sub.
Calling the sub the first time, pass treeview1.nodes. Within the
procedure, add a node and call the procedure passing the node's Nodes

Regards - OHM# OneHandedMan{at}BTInternet{dot}com
Dear Sirs,

I have a database table which has 4 column such as

Document Name

I want to make a treeview like this

+ Document Name

I try several way but I can not add child nodes after adding document names.
Where can I find good explanation?

Best Regrads
One Handed Man said:
Hey Armin,
You really do know your stuff dont you. I wonder how
you are not an MVP already ?

I tried to write you an email. {at} replaced by "@" and {dot} replaced by
".". It came back. Still not the right address?
Sorry, I had to delete this because of huge spam mail



Armin said:
I tried to write you an email. {at} replaced by "@" and {dot}
replaced by ".". It came back. Still not the right address?

Regards - OHM# OneHandedMan{at}BTInternet{dot}com
Dear Armin,

I try to understand your idea and I read link. But I could not compose some
scripts with your idea. May be I have some problem when adding node into

I am using following scripts to add node

Dim Node As TreeNode

Node = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("level1")


As far as I know, I should dim level 1 Node and to add childs into it. But I
can not dim document names which are coming from database. So within
recursive procedure, I can not use above script.

Am I using wrong method to add nodes?