J j5b9721 Jul 29, 2009 #1 is it possable to make a excel page only 100 lines??? How would it be done using excel pro 2000?
S Shane Devenshire Jul 29, 2009 #2 Hi, You can select row number 101 and press Shift+Ctrl+Down Arrow, then right click any of the selected row numbers and choose Hide. You really aren't making the page only have 100 lines but it behaves that way.
Hi, You can select row number 101 and press Shift+Ctrl+Down Arrow, then right click any of the selected row numbers and choose Hide. You really aren't making the page only have 100 lines but it behaves that way.
A Atishoo Jul 30, 2009 #3 You could set a scroll area so you cant work outside the first 100 lines. Worksheets(1).ScrollArea = "A1:Z100" use as a workbook open event.
You could set a scroll area so you cant work outside the first 100 lines. Worksheets(1).ScrollArea = "A1:Z100" use as a workbook open event.