You mention "rows" so I have to assume you're either using continuous form
or datasheet view. In order to use this (or any other method of record
retrieval I know of) youha ve to use either continuous or single view forms.
If yours is datasheet view, you need to change it to continuous. You can then
format it to look like a datasheet view. The reason for this is that while
you can add controls like command buttons and comboboxes to datasheet view
forms, in Design View, they don't appear when the form runs!so, once you have
a continuous form:
Add a combo box to your form, in the header. The Combobox Wizard will pop up
Select "Find a record based on the value I selected in my combobox."
From the query the form is based on, click on the field you're searching by
(your SSN field) to move it to the right side.
Hit Next.
Size the column appropriately.
Hit Next.
Name the combobox.
Hit Finish.
Now you can drop the combobox down and scroll down to the item to search by,
or you can start to enter the item, and the combobox will "autofill" as you
type. Hit <Enter> and the record will be retrieved.
Good Luck!
There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!
Answers/posts based on Access 2000/2003
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