What i am trying to run is "Thin Viewer" of tmobile.What i know but no
sure that application of exe can run form CD or even floppy if tha
application is small,but application of dll can't because they nee
windows platform.It means some of their files could be in differen
places in the system.So what i am looking for is like CD can run th
application as a system.I have read something about that in Linux.And
tried something called Preinstallation Environment bootable live CD fo
windows xp.
But i have no luck to do that CD.It always gives error in bath.Any mor
sure that application of exe can run form CD or even floppy if tha
application is small,but application of dll can't because they nee
windows platform.It means some of their files could be in differen
places in the system.So what i am looking for is like CD can run th
application as a system.I have read something about that in Linux.And
tried something called Preinstallation Environment bootable live CD fo
windows xp.
But i have no luck to do that CD.It always gives error in bath.Any mor