Major Rant time!!!

Sep 20, 2005
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Yesterday was supposed to be my big day - confirmation xray and subsequent sign off to return to work and dive..

History - had an op for spinal compression (nothing dive related) back on September 9th and have been off work, unpaid, except statutory ****e pay since. Had the appointment booked for 3pm today for the xray etc... Just before I left to travel to Brentwood I thought I would confirm that the xray was going to take place at Hartswood and not Nuffields etc. There was a pause and then the receptionist informed me that I wasn't down for an appointment today. I explained that I bloody well was. Then in a very condascending voice she says, "that will be difficult as you consultant neurosurgeon only attends here on Wednesdays". I said Ok, can I make an appointment for Wednesday? "Sorry, he's off till January the 4th".

I explained my situation, informing her that because of her or one of her colleagues incompetence I was unable to get signoff and wouldn't get paid for another month! She tried to explain that the computer doesn't show an appointment. I then explained that as I left the consultant on November 16th and booked the appointment on the way out via your reception and one of you wrote the appointment on the card I'm holding in my hand I really don't give a rats arse if the "computer says nooooo".

Spent the afternoon visiting my GP at short notice, speaking to HR to see if there was anyway I could go back to work even on light duties. GP says no at this time, but will seek advice tomorrow and HR have said no, but will see if it's possible for me to see the company doctor and get signed off that way, but not much hope of that apparantely.

I am so hacked off it's unbelievable..
What you need is either a punchbag or a really really loud scream. Either will make you feel better :)
Thats unbelievable that they can do that :( I'm annoyed just after reading it, so I can't imagine how you feel!
People at the hospital are always like that. They treat patients as "merchandise". No matter what your situation, you just cannot get through to them. In the end, you pay for it, unfortunately.

I am sorry it happened with you :(
I really feel sorry for you!:mad: I don’t understand as to why employed staff in supposedly responsible employment always blames the COMPUTER? I have come across this many times! My answer to them is simple; a computer will only churn out what is entered! So I demand that I want to see the idiot:rolleyes: whom entered the WRONG information. It works 99% of the time as they are so embarrassed, hence satisfaction for myself!;)
itsme said:
My answer to them is simple; a computer will only churn out what is entered! So I demand that I want to see the idiot:rolleyes: whom entered the WRONG information. It works 99% of the time as they are so embarrassed, hence satisfaction for myself!;)

Very good point you brought up there, yes any input is linked to the user.
Hi UKJag

I am SO very sorry to hear of your problems with the hospital.

I can't offer may words of comfort or advice to you but what I can say is that company docs can't sign you back to work - the regs state that your home doc needs to do that or whoever is responsible for your day to day care. Some GPs are very sympatetic to a return lighter duties - can you make an appointment with your doc/practice nurse and see what they say. You will also know that you can't sign yourself back to work if you've been off for a while (I know this cos I have been off work since 16 September for very different reasons.

The best option might be to get home doc to sign back to work and get occ health/compnay doc to agree lighter return to work plan PDQ.

Hope things sort themselves out for you.


Gabby xx

Got a call mid afternoon from my HR Dept saying asking if I could get into London sharpish as the Company Occupational Consultant could see me in an hour. Got dressed and for once the trains were kind, made it in 45mins!

After a lengthy chat and an examination he said there wasn't any reason why I couldn't go back so long as I was sensible about things. So, back to work tomorrow
It's such a relief knowing that I will be getting paid again soon.

Couldn't give me the all clear to dive though, that will have to wait till Jan 4th when I see my consultant again, but I am confident that will be ok. I have a clear date that is looking good for my first dip, weekend of January 28th and 29th.
Can't wait..
ukJAG said:
Got a call mid afternoon from my HR Dept saying asking if I could get into London sharpish as the Company Occupational Consultant could see me in an hour. Got dressed and for once the trains were kind, made it in 45mins!

After a lengthy chat and an examination he said there wasn't any reason why I couldn't go back so long as I was sensible about things. So, back to work tomorrow
It's such a relief knowing that I will be getting paid again soon.

Couldn't give me the all clear to dive though, that will have to wait till Jan 4th when I see my consultant again, but I am confident that will be ok. I have a clear date that is looking good for my first dip, weekend of January 28th and 29th.
Can't wait..

:D I am chuffed!!!! for you ukJAG:thumb: ;)
Hey hey, good news Mr Jag :)

There's something about Doctor's Surgery and Hospital receptionists where they think they are a law unto themselves.

They always seem to look down at you (which is quite a remarkable feat when you consider they are actually sitting below you) as if you were something the cat dragged in. Why? Why that attitude? I've never been able to understand it.

Well, excuse me lady, I didn't design the National Health service but I've been paying in for xx amount of years and I do believe I'm entitled to health care.

If I were paying cash I'd probably be treated like royalty.

And blaming a computer, honestly, it just displays ignorance on their part or an assumption from them that you don't own all your marbles and will accept the excuse/cop out.

Grrrrrrr.............. ;)

I'm self-employed. I'm not allowed to lift anything heavy until January 1st following a hernia op. So I haven't been earning much either. Pros & cons, being self-employed.
ah, a happy outcome ... jolly good show old bean. :thumb:

Walked into the office and got presented with 3 months archiving to do :) 27 DVD's to archive onto!!! No-one else was confident enough to do it. Nice to know I was missed :)

P.S. Thanks for all the good wishes!
That would be fun and you get paid for it too! You lucky bugger :D
Sorry Jag, missed out on all the fun and games you have been having, but glad they got you sorted in the end.

Look after yourself in future :D
Congratulations Jag :D When I read the first post I was so p'd off at how they treated you & I'm so glad to see that it all worked out so well :D:D:D