Major Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Norm
  • Start date Start date


I am having major problems using a bill paying service
called "Quicken Bill Pay". I am told this new and recent
problem relates to this new spyware program. I was told
to disable the program and that should solve the problem.
The problem now is I do not know how to disable the
Microsoft program.

Norm try stopping it in start up (msconfig) if its a 2k
box use one from XP (it works fine on 2k). If all else
fails uninstall it.
-----Original Message-----
Norm try stopping it in start up (msconfig) if its a 2k
box use one from XP (it works fine on 2k). If all else
fails uninstall it.

Install it anyway, it is causing all kinds of troubles.
It is one of these Microsoft betas that should be called
an alpha.