Sorry if this isnt the right place for my topic. I posted all over th
web today hopping someone will find an answer
Well heres my proble
I tryed everything I can think of but nothing works
I use ati tray tools. And I enable triple buffering for d3d games
Like bf2. (I use the profile options)
I get great fps. But after I play for a while or if I change maps m
fps drops from 80ish to 50ish and lower. Sometimes 30 ish. I turn of
triple buffering then the problem goes away so I know its tripl
buffering for d3d thats doing this. Why does it kill my fps lik
this? Is there any way to fix it?
It works very well for the first map but then it just drops. I have n
idea what it could be. Is there any options in TWEAKS that I coul
change to fix this
Does anyone else have this issue
my computer / if it matter
2g ra
Really would like help. I have one game on my computer right now an
its bf2 which I spend more time trying to figure this out the
playing the game. I have been looking around the web for weeks for
answer but nothin
If there is no way to fix this, can I get rid of screen tearin
without vsync
web today hopping someone will find an answer
Well heres my proble
I tryed everything I can think of but nothing works
I use ati tray tools. And I enable triple buffering for d3d games
Like bf2. (I use the profile options)
I get great fps. But after I play for a while or if I change maps m
fps drops from 80ish to 50ish and lower. Sometimes 30 ish. I turn of
triple buffering then the problem goes away so I know its tripl
buffering for d3d thats doing this. Why does it kill my fps lik
this? Is there any way to fix it?
It works very well for the first map but then it just drops. I have n
idea what it could be. Is there any options in TWEAKS that I coul
change to fix this
Does anyone else have this issue
my computer / if it matter
2g ra
Really would like help. I have one game on my computer right now an
its bf2 which I spend more time trying to figure this out the
playing the game. I have been looking around the web for weeks for
answer but nothin
If there is no way to fix this, can I get rid of screen tearin
without vsync