Maintaining cricket stats

  • Thread starter Thread starter neonw
  • Start date Start date


Hello, I'm a relative nOOb to Excel.

I'm going to be maintaining stats for a cricket league.

Its goingto be:

Column A: Name, B: Games played, C: Runs(points)scored, D: Highest
score etc...

Now, my problem is, since there are 168 players, and they'll be playing
around 16 games each whole season, I need to add up their stats
end-of-season as easily as possible.

I could use simple SUM(C1+C2+C3+...Cn) for the total runs and all, but
doing it individually for each player would take long, plus each player
wont be playing the same number of games , so i'd have to alter the
formula to add up for each one...

Is there a simpler way, preferabely that would enable the added up
stats to appear on sheet 2 ? And could it be easy enough to allow me to
update easily after every game ?
or hit the SUM button and then highlite the area you want summed up

you can copy and paste the formulas
damorrison said:
or hit the SUM button and then highlite the area you want summed up

you can copy and paste the formulas

The copy and pasting is what i want to avoid...Is there some way I can
paste the stats for each game into the sheet, and the addedup results
for each player are displayed automatically, preferabely for sake of
convinience in another sheet ?
neonw ,

You could copy a cell or group of cells containing a formula, the
select a large group of cells and paste. The formulas will adjust to
the location they are pasted to.

To add the results for a single player, you could use SUM(C1:C16).

To find the number of game played for a single player, you could use

To find the highest score for a single player, you could use

Hope this helps. -- Justin

I think I might be inclined to tackle it as follows, with all the data
on one sheet.
I started in row 6 (you'll appreciate why later)
In column A Total, B Average, C Highest, D Name, E Game 1, F Game 2 etc.
across to column T for Game 16

in A7 =SUM(E7:T7) ( you never need to use SUM(E7+F7+G7 etc...just the
first cell in range, then a colon then the last cell in range)
in B7 =AVERAGE(E7:T7)
in C7 = MAX(E7:T7)
Place your cursor in E7, then Windows>Freeze Panes and this will lock
the screen so that you can always see the Players name and his
statistics as you slide across the screen to enter each successive games
Copy the formulae in cells A7:C7 down through rows 8:175 to accommodate
rows for each player.

Now, the reason for leaving the blank rows at the top of the screen.
If you wish, you can use any of them to display the Highest score from
any of the games played that day with
=MAX(E7:E175) or the Average score for that day etc.