I have a main form with a status button on it. The status button
works fine and does what it is to do. Part of it is opening a popup
form (modal, popup). On the popup is a SEND button. The code for it
is below. On the mainform is a txtbox for status. In the code below
is a call to a change status routine. This ChangeStatus is on the
main form and is used alot there so it needs to stay as part of the
main form. How can I call it from the SEND button of the popup?
Private Sub cmdRequestApprovalSend_Click()
Dim sql As String
sql = "POSendApprovalRequest " & Forms![Purchase Orders].PONumber
& ", '" & txtRequestApprovalDescription & "' "
Call RunSQLServerStoredProcedure(sql)
End Sub
works fine and does what it is to do. Part of it is opening a popup
form (modal, popup). On the popup is a SEND button. The code for it
is below. On the mainform is a txtbox for status. In the code below
is a call to a change status routine. This ChangeStatus is on the
main form and is used alot there so it needs to stay as part of the
main form. How can I call it from the SEND button of the popup?
Private Sub cmdRequestApprovalSend_Click()
Dim sql As String
sql = "POSendApprovalRequest " & Forms![Purchase Orders].PONumber
& ", '" & txtRequestApprovalDescription & "' "
Call RunSQLServerStoredProcedure(sql)
End Sub