Hi Edward,
There are many ways to create email from Access - one of the easiest is
using docmd.Sendobject. For example, the following will fire after double
clicking in the Text0 control. It will open an email with no attachments, to
whatever address is in Text0, with the following:
subject: "Test Send"
Body: "this is the message text"
The email will be open for editing before it is sent.
Private Sub Text0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , Me.Text0, , , "Test Send", "this is
the message text", True
End Sub
Look at the help on SendObject for complete descriptions of the parameters.
For other methods that offer more flexibility and control take a look at
some of the following links:
Q161088 Using Automation to Send a Microsoft Outlook Message
HOW TO: Use Automation to Send a Microsoft Outlook Message using Access 2000
ACC97: How to Use a Recordset to Send Outlook E-Mail to Multiple Recipients
Outlook for the Summer (Programming Microsoft Outlook Objects)
For more ideas take a look at this site:
Tony Toew's Email FAQ
Sandra Daigle [Microsoft Access MVP]
Please post all replies to the newsgroup.
What is the simplest & best way to launch Outlook Express(for
example), create a new email, and paste the email address that's in
my form's email control? I have tried setting my control's Hyperlink
property to "yes" and placing "emailto:" in the Tag property as
mentioned in
http://www.mvps.org/access/bugs/bugs0018.htm but that
didn't work.
Access has no internal help for this, nor can I find any examples....
Very strange.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.