MAilto link

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas Bender
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Thomas Bender


in nutze eine MailTo Funktion in einem VBScript
<A href="Mailto: EmailAdresse &amp;subject=EmailTitel&body=""<a
href=""c:\test123"">test123</a>"" ">Email senden</A>
aber seit ich einen Link als Body eingefügt habe kommt immer der Outlook
Fehler "Das Befehlszeilenargument ist ungültig. Überprüfen Sie den
verwendeten Befehl.".
Leider hab ich noch nichts zu diesen Befehl gefunden.
Bin für jeden Tip dankbar,

cya Thommy
Hi Thomas,

this is an english speaking group. I do understand your question but I´m
not sure about knowing the answer (think, there is no way to insert

For a more qualified answer please translate and post once more again.
Hi Michael,

sorry, i had post it on a german NewsGroup to and forget to translate it,
realy Sorry.
But you are right i try to insert a link in a E-Mail Body by using MailTo.

Thx, cya Thommy
Hi Thomas,

sorry, I suppose you didn´t understand my intention. For myself you
don´t need to tranlate because I
a) do understand my native language very well
b) don´t know the answer anyway.

I meant: If you want somebody else in this group helping you then you
should translate and post your question again :-)

Viele Grüße
Michael Bauer

Thomas Bender said:
Hi Michael,

sorry, i had post it on a german NewsGroup to and forget to translate it,
realy Sorry.
But you are right i try to insert a link in a E-Mail Body by using MailTo.

Thx, cya Thommy