


In my switchboard input form, I've pressed the mail
command button an select snapshot format, click ok.
This pops up, "The report Name 'All Past Due Action Items
by Person- Summary' you entered in either the property
sheet or macro sheet is misspelled or refers to a report
that doesn't exist."
I've checked the switchboard table there is a report with
this title the report is spelled correctly.

The VBA Form Input reads:

Private Sub Mail_Report_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Mail_Report_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "All Past Due Action Items by Person-
Summary" DoCmd.SendObject asReport, stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Mail_Report_Click

End Sub

How do i delete this report that is misspelled or that
does not exist?, and continue to mail? Please help...!

Dirk Goldgar

fajita said:
In my switchboard input form, I've pressed the mail
command button an select snapshot format, click ok.
This pops up, "The report Name 'All Past Due Action Items
by Person- Summary' you entered in either the property
sheet or macro sheet is misspelled or refers to a report
that doesn't exist."
I've checked the switchboard table there is a report with
this title the report is spelled correctly.

The VBA Form Input reads:

Private Sub Mail_Report_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Mail_Report_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "All Past Due Action Items by Person-
Summary" DoCmd.SendObject asReport, stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Mail_Report_Click

End Sub

How do i delete this report that is misspelled or that
does not exist?, and continue to mail? Please help...!

Is this really the exact code behind the command button? I ask, because
it is clearly invalid as it appears in your message.

These lines:
stDocName = "All Past Due Action Items by Person-
Summary" DoCmd.SendObject asReport, stDocName

should be

stDocName = "All Past Due Action Items by Person- Summary"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName

That is, not only should the DoCmd.SendObject call be on a separate line
from the assignment to stDocName, but it should be "acReport" (or
acSendReport), not "asReport".

I can't say whether the report name you're giving us here is correct or
not. Maybe you have an extra space or too few spaces around that

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