Mail Tray Notifiers stays after moving email


Edward Buchmann

WM has the same problem Outlook Express had witha behavior that is different
from Office outlook.
I whish WM would do as Office Outlook does: When getting a new mail, the
notification iconn shows up, and if it is a spam email we don't want to open
and we just move the mail to the junk folder or just delete the mail, the
notification icon should disapear, but istead it stays there until any mail
message is actually openned.
This is really bad, as we may not have any new message after moving a spam
or potentially dangerous email out of site, and the icon is still there
telling us we have new message.
This is not trivial.
Office Outlook works correctly, by turning this notification off after
moving or deleting a message even if no message was opened, and WM and OE
keep the icon tray there until a message is openned, which is wrong.

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