Mail to a group

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leif Thorsen
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Leif Thorsen

I have in this disscussion forum got a tip of a method to make a group-mail
to a lot of mail-addresses taken from a question. When using this metod it
seems that there is a limitation of how many e-mailaddresses You can use at
the same time. When I have a question with 190 items I will have error number
2295 "Unknown recipients. The letter was´nt sent." When I reduce my items in
the question to below 100 there is no problems. Is there some sort of
limitation for how many e-mailaddresses I can use at the same time ????

Than You in advance for an answer

Leif Thorsen

Without any code to review we have no way of know which method you have
employed to send your e-mail and thus unable to troubleshoot with you.
Please post your e-mail routine so we can see what maybe be causing the issue.
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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Here is my code and my commentsBelow here You can see the VB-code I have
used. It works fine in when havin small amount of “Emailadress†in my
I have translated from Swedish “Private Sub Kommandoknapp53_Click†to
“PrivateSub Button53_Click†for You to better understand and I hope I have
done it rigth. I hope You can see what I have done.

Private Sub Button53_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Button53_Click

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strEmailadress As String
Set db = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT QMYQuestion.Emailadress FROM QMyQuestion"

Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

Do Until rec.EOF

strEmailadress = rec!Emailadress & ";" & strEmailadress


DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , strEmailadress, , , , , , False

Exit Sub

If Err.Number <> 2501 Then
MsgBox " Error " & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
End If
Resume Exit_Button53_Click
End Sub

I hope this will help You to understand what´s gone wrong

Have a nice weekend

Thank ou in advance

sometimes error messages are correct and on point. could it be that the
190th email address was mistyped? That would produce the error "unknown

I've never heard of a limit on email addresses and if there was, it would
probably be a binary number, like 256 or 128. Maybe it's a question of the
length of the total character string exceeding 8000 characters or something,
but more likely, the error message is correct and you have a bad address.

For that matter, it's probably not a good idea to send out a single email with
190 addresses. Why not loop through and send 1 email 190 times, once to
each recipient? That will make it more likely that the email won't be bounced
by anti-spam software and it will alert you to incorrect email addresses.
Thank You for Your answer but I don´t think the problem is a mistyped address
because the error message comes long before Outlook has started to send the
e-mails. But - I think Your idea of looping the e-mails as You say but the
problemis that I am not familiar how to do. Can You give me a new hint ?? I
hope You can and therefore THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

Best regards

The exact process will depend on how you're getting the 190 addresses now.

I don't have the code here, but one app I have will parse a list of semicolon delimited
list of email addresses and process them one at a time.

Alternatively, and probably more likely, you have a table from which they reside. Then
it's a simple matter of looping through a recordset.

Dim db As Dao.Database, rs As Dao.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String, sEmail As String, sRecip As String
Dim sBody As String, sSubject As String

sSQL = "SELECT FName & ' ' & LName As Recip, Email FROM tblPersons"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

If Not rs.BOF and Not rs.EOF Then
Do Until rs.EOF
sEmail = Nz(rs!Email, "")
sRecip = Nz(rs!Recip, "")

sBody = "Hi " & sRecip & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Here's your email."
sSubject = "Email from The Database System"

' Send email here. You've got the email, a recipient name, body text and subject.
docmd.SendObject , , , to,cc,bcc,subject,messagetext, false

End If

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

The DoCmd.SendObject is something you can read more about in Help files.
Thank You for Yur solution !

It works partly - probably because of me

Ther is 2 problems.

1.Following message is ncluded in each e-mail. I would like to take it away.
How to do???

Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 10:46:11 +0100
Message-ID: <BC1072D4B65B49ED8CD2B85AB00DCE39@HPDATOR>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 11
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.5579

2. The sending away of each mail needs to be confirmed in a messagebox
talking of the risk with virus etc. . How to loop through all of my
recipients without to confirm eaxh mail ???

Your described error message almost makes it sound like it cam from your
email software or provider? Possible you provider places a limit on the
number of emial addresses.

One other note.....if you have an email address that violates email syntax
(i.e. not just a bad address, but an address with spaces in it, or no "@"
etc.) it can make things immediately bomb.