Adam A. Wanderer
Now and then, I get an e-mail with the notice that the original e-mail being
sent to me was blocked by a server filter, of some sort, because it
contained a virus and/or worm attachment. How expensive is such
software/hardware? Can it be effective enough to put a stop to these
constant virus/spam attacks? Second, how much monetary damage has this
latest virus/worm/Trojan done? Is it enough to justify the cost of
additional hardware/software effective enough to slow or stop
virus/worm/Trojan attacks? In short, as it's obvious that the perpetrators
of these attacks aren't going to be caught, is enough technology "cost
effective" in combating these problems? Is there anyone out there who has
the figures and knows the "ins and outs" of this issue to explain? Finally,
how many ISP currently use hardware/software to block virus/worm
attachments, or could it be "hard wired" into the next generation of PCs?
sent to me was blocked by a server filter, of some sort, because it
contained a virus and/or worm attachment. How expensive is such
software/hardware? Can it be effective enough to put a stop to these
constant virus/spam attacks? Second, how much monetary damage has this
latest virus/worm/Trojan done? Is it enough to justify the cost of
additional hardware/software effective enough to slow or stop
virus/worm/Trojan attacks? In short, as it's obvious that the perpetrators
of these attacks aren't going to be caught, is enough technology "cost
effective" in combating these problems? Is there anyone out there who has
the figures and knows the "ins and outs" of this issue to explain? Finally,
how many ISP currently use hardware/software to block virus/worm
attachments, or could it be "hard wired" into the next generation of PCs?