"Mail Recepient" feature does not work!! Why?



Hello Everyone, :)

I am using excel 2000 and outlook 2003. When I try to e-mail a selected
area in excel as a mail body and send (e-mail) it to different users, it
is giving an error message. I select the text in excel, I click on "Mail
Recipient" under "File" menu. It gives me an error message "excel could
not start the e-mail program". and it asks me to check my network
connection, mail server, mail program (outlook) etc. I tried to trouble
shoot the problem.

1) I checked my outlook settings and verified connectivity. (OK)
2) When I tried to send the work sheets as an attachement from excel,
it was working. So I am assuming there is connectivity btw excel and
outlook. :confused:
3) I downloaded all the patches, updates etc. for both excel and
outlook I have.

Still having the same problem :( . Is it a compatibility problem btw
excel and outlook versions?

Any recommedations.


Umit :cool:

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