Mail Order Clothing?

Jan 14, 2006
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So do people buy online from clothing companies?
Apart from catalogues that is?
Like Cotton Traders & Lands End.

Any recommendations?
I bought 10 second hand Ben Sherman shirts of e-bay a couple of years ago for less than a £5 each inc postage. Only one of them was a waste of space. Thye were just like new and a fraction of the cost.

Just scored a brand new pair of Atlantic Bay chinos still with tags on for £3.75 from the Sally Army shop.

Not quite what you were after maybe. :lol:
I use a company called "the hut" on Ebay

Good prices. Sonneti trainers for £18 inc p&p for example
Only clothing item I've ever bought online is a pair of purple DM's.

Nowt else. Too much ag if the clothes don't fit properly.

Get me jeans & combat trousers from Jays in Bermondsey, shirts from M & S & Charity shops, sweatshirts from M & S & Timberland.

I rarely buy a coat and have purchased one suit in twenty years, a M & S summer job.

I suppose such heavy patronisation of Markus & Sparkius does not make me a groovy dood ;)
I'm of the awkward lanky size with clown feet, so actual store shopping has to be done