Dear Gamn,
YES YOU CAN DO THIS!...but don't do this in FrontPage unless absolutely
necessary...MS Word is your tool for a wordprocessing feat like this! All
you need to do is create a web page (you can use FrontPage to do this) as the
template document and then insert your merge fields where you want the data
to come from your database and it's done...not on your website but on the
mail merge doc!
Now, the question is...Do you want this to be a regular process done
dynamically on your website or is it to be a one-time or random process that
can be done manually in a mail merge doc.
For dynamic processes to be done on your website, you can format the Results
Page of a form in FrontPage to create this page and then configure the form
to save to the web page name (also configured dynamically) - this requires a
little scripting in addition to the regular FrontPage functions. I'm using
an earlier version of FP (2000), but later versions may have this feature
without additional scripting.
For manual processes, use MS Word and each html page will be a separate page
in the mail merge doc and you'll have to save each of the pages as a web page
file. Again, I'm using Word 2000, so the latest version may have these
features added to the Mail Merge process. For example, you can choose the
merge doc template as an html file and there may be a further feature to save
each page as a separate file.
Let me know if you need more help on this but I KNOW it can be done.