mail merge- & data source - only taking 1st name in the list



I'm trying to do a mail merge to a label document. I have 10 separate names
to put in 10 separate labels. I insert the merge field. When it goes to merge
& print the doc, it only merges the 1st name under the title it isn't
grabbing all the names to put in each of the labels.

Thank you in advance for your help!



Thank you for the site which is pretty good. I've done what he says. I'm
still having the probelm where when you merge it only graps the first name in
the column & ignores the rest. I've made it the first sheet, I have a
header, I've set a print range on the list - so when the source is accepted
it identifies the print range as my source, but it won't take the whole


Hi Ms. Dalgleish,
I stumbled upon it myself. I was on the MVP website & the other website the
other person who was trying to help me. (which I appreciate you both)

I didn't see this anywhere -but I seem to skip a lot of things -
Anyways, in the merge toolbar is a button for propogate labels. I clicked
on that & then the rest of the list appeared on the labels.

It is very frustrating when you dig for stuff & it isn't written anywhere.
By chance have you seen this "propogating labels" referenced any where?

thanks again,


Hi Ms. Daldleish,
I just went to the website you referenced Mr. Mayor. He does say something
about the propogate button - that was the first one I saw that said anything
about that button.

thank you very much,

this is the 2nd time you helped me - thank you!! harriet

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