when i mail merge from a word document to email i get a security screen that only allows me a maximum of 10 minutes access to outlook. after this i then have to manually hit "yes" to send each and every email. this makes the mail merge option redundant as i don't have the time or the resources to click the button on a mail merge of up to 4000 recipients. i am using the office 2003 suite of programs on a windows xp operating system. i have the latest updates to programs and operating system. i would love to know a way around this. surely it is a big issue with everyone who uses mail merge to automate their bulk mail send outs. i am not a spammer, i work for the victorian government in australia and i need to send out a lot of emails with the same information to different recipients. at this rate i will need to uninstall office 2003 qnd go back to 2002. i know there are others out there with this issue but all the info that has been written in response to their pleas for help have been poor or not helpful at all. help help