Mail Icon Issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drew
  • Start date Start date



I'm having trouble getting the Mail Icon on IE 6.02900.2180 (w/sp2) to
start Outlook (SBE 2003). In fact nothing happens. The same happens if
trying from File/Send

I can change to Outlook Express or Hotmail in Tools/IO/Programs/E-mail
and the mail icon works correctly.

I've searched this group and have not been able to find out much about
Outlook..... lots of ways to deal with Outlook Express.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Drew said:

I'm having trouble getting the Mail Icon on IE 6.02900.2180 (w/sp2) to
start Outlook (SBE 2003). In fact nothing happens. The same happens if
trying from File/Send

I can change to Outlook Express or Hotmail in Tools/IO/Programs/E-mail
and the mail icon works correctly.

I've searched this group and have not been able to find out much about
Outlook..... lots of ways to deal with Outlook Express.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Go to Start | Run and type this command, with the double quotes and spaces:

"C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /reg

and then make sure that OE is selected as the default mail program in both
IE and OE.

If that isn't enough, see this article:
"Send To" and E-mail Links Do Not Work Using Outlook Express as Default:

You might also want to try this:

Restores OE to the E-mail clients list in Internet Options

To set Outlook as the default mail client,- Go to Start, Run - Type in the
following with quotation marks and press OK
"C:\program files\microsoft office\office\outlook.exe" /checkclient
For more information on Outlook see:

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
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I tried the following and Outlook v11.6 SP1 still does not work with
the mail icon.

If you don't see a change, even after restarting MSIE or restarting
Windows, then you can make this change manually. In Windows Explorer,
choose View | Options. On the File Types tab, you'll need to edit the
Open event for "URL:MailTo Protocol." Sample entries are as follows,
for different Microsoft e-mail programs:

Internet Mail and News rundll32.exe
Outlook Express "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\Msimn.exe"
Windows Messaging or
Microsoft Exchange rundll32.exe url.dll,MailToProtocolHandler "%1"
Microsoft Outlook "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\Outlook.exe" -c IPM.Note /m "%1"

Adjust the path to Mailnews.dll or Outlook.exe as needed to match your
own system

I changed this via: Windows Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/File Types/
URL is setup to open with: Shell Doc Object and Control Library
I used the advance tab to change the open code.

When I did change the URL protocol and then opened IE 6, it let me know
that it was not the default browser. It make no difference if I say yes
or no. I still get the same results.
I also tried the code for Exchange (which we are running in the office)
no difference.
The mail icon works with Outlook Express.

Should the the URL be using Shell Doc Object and Control Library or
should it be something else?
Is there a possibility there is a problem with Outlook?


I followed all of these steps including going into the URL itself and
adding the Outlook script. Nothing is different.
Any ideas?

Hi Drew

If it's any consolation, I experience exactly the same effect, although I
have to say I have no particular desire to use the Mail button in IE because
I normally always have Outlook running concurrently. Maybe I am unaware of
some advantage?

I have recently noted other odd behaviour of the IE menu icons - my 5
January post on Navigation Buttons gives details!

Drew , I have the same problem . Frank .......I tried each one of your
suggestion and even went to the slipstick link . No luck
Drew did you find a souluttion yet ? I have even tried DETECT AND REPAIR in
outlook . still no luck
Pls advise
