Mail Delivery Issues...?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Boy oh boy have I had that problem a few times.

Straight down to the local office and kicked off.

"We called but you were not it" My bum

Really annoys me
downloaded, need to add all van delivery people to the list as I'm expect £320 worth of kit off Amazon, then I'll print it off on A3 paper. :)
Our parcel delivery chaps ring the door bell all right,then leave the parcel in full view on the door step! So if we are not in the goods are on display all day. They really do think people live behind the door in the hall way.But that is the only service the Post Office knows.No wonder it`s going down the drain.
Our regular Postie is actually a very nice fellow. He's reliable and helpful.... but oh dear, we certainly notice when he has a few days off....

One of his colleagues, who covers for the aforementioned breaks, makes a complete pigs ear of delivering mail. For some reason, he seems to be averse to actually posting stuff right through the letterbox; mostly, it's just stuffed half-in and half-out.

His other "crime" is that he insists upon rolling or bending everything he delivers; no matter if it happens to be a card, or other document. He simply HAS to mangle it in some way.

Awkward beggar! ...Oh, in case you might be wondering why we don't complain... darned bloke is like a whippet on speed! Grumble, grumble. :mad:
Our regular postie is very good. Our outer doors (in which the letterbox is situated) are open all day but he always tucks the mail behind one of the opened doors so that it is not visible from outside. :)

When he's away, however, his replacement simply chucks them into the lobby so everyone can see. :o
Our local postman is very good and has been doing the job for years but the relief postmen are not as good I think Brandy barking at the post coming through the letterbox frightened them so now I have put an external letter box outside on the wall.
Normal postie OK
When he's away we sometimes dont get any post or if we do we houses as well.
Seems the post office dont seem to care much these days.
They may if they go private!!!