Mail Applet not upgraded, Office 2007


Shawn Edwards

I've got a few users, either upgraded from Office 2003 or clean
installed, whose mail applet was not upgraded with the Office 2007
installation. Does anyone have a way to get this applet upgraded
without requiring me to wipe 12 boxes just to migrate to Exchange?

Shawn Edwards

What exactly wasn't upgraded? What version # is it?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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I've got a few users, either upgraded from Office 2003 or clean
installed, whose mail applet was not upgraded with the Office 2007
installation.  Does anyone have a way to get this applet upgraded
without requiring me to wipe 12 boxes just to migrate to Exchange?

The applet in the control panel. You know when you go into the applet
in the control panel before the upgrade, its got one look and gives
you no options for Exchange, then after the upgrade it gives you the
ability to ask which profile to use and runs the outlook wizard to add
an exchange profile? Well after a few 07 installs the applet didn't
get upgraded.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

The applet in outlook 2003 and 2007 is identical. if an account exists, you
won't get the new profile wizard.

Do you have buttons for Email Accounts, Data files, and Show profiles when
you open the mail applet?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Shawn Edwards said:
What exactly wasn't upgraded? What version # is it?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Outlook Tips:
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:

Outlook Tips by email:
mailto:[email protected]

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
mailto:[email protected]

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I've got a few users, either upgraded from Office 2003 or clean
installed, whose mail applet was not upgraded with the Office 2007
installation. Does anyone have a way to get this applet upgraded
without requiring me to wipe 12 boxes just to migrate to Exchange?

The applet in the control panel. You know when you go into the applet
in the control panel before the upgrade, its got one look and gives
you no options for Exchange, then after the upgrade it gives you the
ability to ask which profile to use and runs the outlook wizard to add
an exchange profile? Well after a few 07 installs the applet didn't
get upgraded.

Shawn Edwards

Nope, on these computers we don't get that. A few are resh installs
after reboots, a few are upgrades with no other mail clients, and a
few are existing workstations with groupwise clients which we're
migrating off of. We don't get the profile, data files r e-mail
accounts wizard buttons on these, just the old mail applet without the
new options. I can post a screen shot of what we get if that will

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