made in china

Mar 21, 2005
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I was reading a story today about a firm what was fined for selling toy car with excessive levels of lead and chromium.

Why does all are stuff come from china?

Am sick of these cheap imported from china, is,nt it time we made are own stuff.

Then we would,nt get headlines likes this:

This case comes after a number of recent high profile product recalls by international toy manufacturers regarding unsafe imported toys from China

Firm what was fined was Poundstretcher.
Go and take a course in economics, maybe then you'll gain some insight :)

'The Apple I-Pod. Designed in California, made in China'

Nuff said.

I'm afraid our economy can't compete with slave labour.

And that is the basis of free enterprise. Which, oddly enough, is at odds with the (supposed) ideals of (former?) Communist China.
Basically as Flops said China has a labout force that will work for pennies a week, where land is cheap and where the government still controls everything.

We are exactly the opposite.

In theory of course we could slap a quotia on Chinese imports, but the cost would be immense.

Anyway, all the old brownfield industrial sites are being turned into bleeding housing estates. :mad:

Really the only viable things that can be built here now are large good which cost a lot to transport, such as cars.

I think one of the worst things to happen to Britain in recent years is the government-assisted demise of the manufacturing industry, but as China's wealth increases they will follow the same path as India and services will begin to trickle back to Britain as the cost of labour becomes greater.
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Many years ago children were given toy lead soldiers and farm yard sets to play with,and they were poisonus.
Also dont forget we used to paint woodwork with lead based paints, little children would put their mouths
on the paint work,and if they were theething would bite at it. So it`s not just the new industrialised nations that
are using lead in toys, this country did it years ago.
all the best
historian said:

Many years ago children were given toy lead soldiers and farm yard sets to play with,and they were poisonus.
Also dont forget we used to paint woodwork with lead based paints, little children would put their mouths
on the paint work,and if they were theething would bite at it. So it`s not just the new industrialised nations that
are using lead in toys, this country did it years ago.
all the best

yep but it,s not the point ,where getting all this cheap imported crap from there.

1950 things where made over here ten times better.

Just look at today tv set cheap plastic ,same for the toys.

i was ban all this crap from china and it would stop crap toys falling part.
historian said:

Many years ago children were given toy lead soldiers and farm yard sets to play with,and they were poisonus.
Also dont forget we used to paint woodwork with lead based paints, little children would put their mouths
on the paint work,and if they were theething would bite at it. So it`s not just the new industrialised nations that
are using lead in toys, this country did it years ago.
all the best

Aye, we used to send kids up chimneys as well :lol:

This is (almost) 2008, citing our past discredited practices to justify a Nation's current practices just isn't on, really.

Mr Angry said:
1950 things where made over here ten times better.

They weren't you know. I can recall toys being made of cheap tin and falling apart much the same as a lot of today's cheap toys. As ever, you get what you pay for.

I still have a scar at the base of my right thumb where I gashed myself with a tin friction aeroplane when I was nine years old. It had a sharp spiked cog wheel that was exposed and it sliced right through me. Sometimes, Health and Safety does make sense.
Hi floppybootstomp.
Thanks for your reply.
I can`t understand why China has to use lead in it`s products,surely with all the data sheets on the danger of lead, they would take more care in the goods they send out. I think it`s pure greed that is driving them in their economic boom. But of course it`s very hard not to buy things "made in China" Do we produce nothing now?
all the best
Im afraid its a classic case of people making a quick buck and in the case of China and before it Tiawan (remember them..and others) they produce cheap everything and by the time we cotton on their products are falling foul (with poisonous materials or choking hazards) then they have already made the killing :( .

If anyone feels strongly about whether their toys are crap or not the simple solution would be Stop buying the rubbish (if indeed it is/was):) .

No Market ..No profit...simple economics :)
Rush said:
If anyone feels strongly about whether their toys are crap or not the simple solution would be Stop buying the rubbish (if indeed it is/was):) .

Problem is that just about ALL toys are made in China now, simply because ALL manufacturers get them made there because it's cheaper than making them anywhere else.

As China becomes more wealthy, manufacturing will probably move to Africa, where it will be cheaper than China. Of course, by then, all companies will be Chinese or owned by the Chinese and we in the West will be the poor relations.

If we wait long enough it will be cheap to make things again here in the West where we will work for peanuts and be employed by the Chinese.
Hi Nvrip

A very valid point indeed.
Also has anyone heard on the new today that Rover cars are to make a come back---from China!!
At the moment they are making MG sport cars and they ,together with Rover cars,are going to import them to the UK.
So nvrip you may very well be right in that we`ll all be employed by the Chinese in the future.
All the best