Anyone know if the "made by ATI" card has a fan on it or not?
No picture on the ATI website, no picture on the box, ATI refuses to admit
they make a 9600 non-pro (I emailed them 3 times, and this model doesn't
show up in the tech support choices).
I tried to get a picture from online resellers, but it seems that they're
showing different cards (either the 9200 or the 9600 pro).
Please assist if you can. I feel like it's the twilight zone.
No picture on the ATI website, no picture on the box, ATI refuses to admit
they make a 9600 non-pro (I emailed them 3 times, and this model doesn't
show up in the tech support choices).
I tried to get a picture from online resellers, but it seems that they're
showing different cards (either the 9200 or the 9600 pro).
Please assist if you can. I feel like it's the twilight zone.