Two much simple alternatives:
1) File => New
If your templates are stored in your templates folder (or workgroup
templates folder) you can pick and choose. (Not quite as simple in Word
2003, though.)
2) Put shortcuts to your templates (with appropriate long names) in a folder
in your Start folder. This gives you one or menus as submenus of the Start
Otherwise, you can use macrobutton fields with macros. You can record these
macros but generic ones are a lot easier. Send me an email at
(e-mail address removed) and I'll send you a document that
has several such generic macros and accompanying macrobutton fields.
See the pages on the MVP FAQ on macrobutton fields for other ideas.
Charles Kenyon
See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Lisa said:
i have never used these before. I want to create a macro to be able to
link from word document i have that list all my templates so that i i can go
straight to the templates. I have tried hyperlinking to templates but this
does not let it open as a template, so i have been suggested to use macros,
but i have never used it before. can someone point me in the right