I have a template that will be opened from another application.
I have a macro in this template, and I wanted this to Automaticall
execute on opening of the template (the template is not saved in th
I dont know how I would do this, basically my application will ope
this template, then I wanted the macro attached to this template t
automatically start running as soon as the template is opened.
Please can anyone advise, I dont know VB, so any Sub AutoExec command
will need to be explained.
My current macro starts:
Sub Reqdata()
End Sub
After this I wouldnt know where to add the Sub AutoExec or the Publi
Sub AutoExec if needed?
Please can anyone help?
Sorry if this is a little confusing.
Thank you in advanc
I have a template that will be opened from another application.
I have a macro in this template, and I wanted this to Automaticall
execute on opening of the template (the template is not saved in th
I dont know how I would do this, basically my application will ope
this template, then I wanted the macro attached to this template t
automatically start running as soon as the template is opened.
Please can anyone advise, I dont know VB, so any Sub AutoExec command
will need to be explained.
My current macro starts:
Sub Reqdata()
End Sub
After this I wouldnt know where to add the Sub AutoExec or the Publi
Sub AutoExec if needed?
Please can anyone help?
Sorry if this is a little confusing.
Thank you in advanc