Is there a way to prevent the macro warning from coming on everytime I open
Powerpoint(XP)? Ideally I'd like to have the macros be turned into addins. That
way I won't get this message. Or is there a macro which will allow me to either
enable or disable the warning screen(s) for all the macros I have installed and
thus have the macros either on or off?
If you mean the macro warning you get when you open presentations that contain
From the main menu: Tools, Macro, Security and put a check next to Low.
You won't get any further warnings when opening files, but you're taking the chance
that a malevolent macro in a PPT file might do nasty things to your system.
In that same dialog you can click Trusted Sources and put a check next to "Trust
all installed add-ins. ...."
Then if you convert the macros to an add-in that auto-loads, you can set security
to medium or low, load the addin, then set security back to High. You won't get
any further warnings when the addin loads, but PPT files with macros will still
trigger the warning message. Security and convenience both.