I have two macros I used to use in VS 2003. I recently tried to import them
for use in VS 2005, but they don't seem to work. I open the macro explorer,
right click and do run, but it's like VS never calls the things. What the
heck am I doing wrong?
Maybe it's just the late hour but I've been going in circles trying to
figure it out. Here's the entire macro module below (be on the look out in
case of any word wrap), any help is appreciated. And if you find 'em useful
(once they are fixed) help yourself. The only change I made for VS2005 was
the addition of the Imports EnvDTE80 line, thinking there may be some
overrides I need, but that didn't seem to fix it.
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Module N4IXT
Sub InsertPropertyXMLComments()
'Note: You must go into Tools, Options, Text Editor, C#, Formatting and
'UNCHECK the "Smart Comment Editing" feature or else this entire property
'will wind up in a /// <summary> </summary> block.
Dim vbcrlf As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf
Dim ts As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
Dim propline As String = ts.Text.Trim()
If propline.Length = 0 Then
MsgBox("You must enter a string in the form of " + vbcrlf _
+ " scope datatype propertyname" + vbcrlf _
+ "in order to run this macro. Example: public string FirstName",
MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error Inserting Property")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim props() As String = Split(propline)
If props.Length <> 3 Then
MsgBox("You must enter a string in the form of " + vbcrlf _
+ " scope datatype propertyname" + vbcrlf _
+ "in order to run this macro. Example: public string FirstName",
MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error Inserting Property")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim propname As String = props(2)
Dim proptype As String = props(1)
Dim propscope As String = props(0)
Dim instext As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
+ vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + propname + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <returns>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// The property " + propname + " returns a data type of "
+ proptype + "." + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </returns>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + Now.Today.ToString() + " - Robert C. Cain -
Created." + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
+ vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" " + propscope + " " + proptype + " " + propname + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" {" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" get" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" {" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" return _" + propname + ";" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" }" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" set" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" {" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" _" + propname + " = value;" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" }" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" }" + vbcrlf)
Dim inserttext As String = instext.ToString()
'This little dance will clear the selection and put the cursor at the end of
the procedure line
End Sub
Sub DocProcXML()
Dim vbcrlf As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf
Dim ts As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection()
Dim origprocline As String = ts.Text
Dim procline As String = ts.Text.Trim()
'First get the method name, scope, and datatype
Dim LeftParenPos = procline.IndexOf("(")
If LeftParenPos < 1 Then
MsgBox("Not a valid declaration.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Document
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ProcInfo As String = procline.Substring(0, LeftParenPos)
Dim ProcVars As String = procline.Substring(LeftParenPos + 1)
Dim RightParenPos As Integer = ProcVars.IndexOf(")")
If RightParenPos < 0 Then
MsgBox("This macro currently supports only declarations that are on a single
line. Please " _
+ "put the entire procedure definition on one line then run again.",
MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Document Procedure Standard Comments(")")
Exit Sub
End If
ProcVars = ProcVars.Substring(0, RightParenPos)
Dim ProcInfos() As String = ProcInfo.Trim().Split(" ")
Dim procscope = ProcInfos(0)
Dim procdatatype = ProcInfos(1)
Dim procname = ProcInfos(2)
Dim instext As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
+ vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + procname + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <returns> " + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// The method " + procname + " returns a data type of " +
procdatatype + "." + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </returns> " + vbcrlf)
If ProcVars.Length > 0 Then
Dim vars() As String = ProcVars.Split(",")
Dim var As String
For Each var In vars
instext.Append(" /// <param name=" + Chr(34))
Dim varparts() As String = var.Trim().Split(" ")
instext.Append(varparts(1) + Chr(34) + ">")
instext.Append(varparts(1) + " a variable of type " + varparts(0) +
"</param>" + vbcrlf)
End If
instext.Append(" /// <revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + Now.ToString() + " - Robert C. Cain - Created." +
instext.Append(" /// </revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
+ vbcrlf)
Dim inserttext As String = instext.ToString()
ts.Insert(inserttext, vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtStart)
'This little dance will clear the selection and put the cursor at the end of
the procedure line
End Sub
End Module
for use in VS 2005, but they don't seem to work. I open the macro explorer,
right click and do run, but it's like VS never calls the things. What the
heck am I doing wrong?
Maybe it's just the late hour but I've been going in circles trying to
figure it out. Here's the entire macro module below (be on the look out in
case of any word wrap), any help is appreciated. And if you find 'em useful
(once they are fixed) help yourself. The only change I made for VS2005 was
the addition of the Imports EnvDTE80 line, thinking there may be some
overrides I need, but that didn't seem to fix it.
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Module N4IXT
Sub InsertPropertyXMLComments()
'Note: You must go into Tools, Options, Text Editor, C#, Formatting and
'UNCHECK the "Smart Comment Editing" feature or else this entire property
'will wind up in a /// <summary> </summary> block.
Dim vbcrlf As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf
Dim ts As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
Dim propline As String = ts.Text.Trim()
If propline.Length = 0 Then
MsgBox("You must enter a string in the form of " + vbcrlf _
+ " scope datatype propertyname" + vbcrlf _
+ "in order to run this macro. Example: public string FirstName",
MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error Inserting Property")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim props() As String = Split(propline)
If props.Length <> 3 Then
MsgBox("You must enter a string in the form of " + vbcrlf _
+ " scope datatype propertyname" + vbcrlf _
+ "in order to run this macro. Example: public string FirstName",
MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error Inserting Property")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim propname As String = props(2)
Dim proptype As String = props(1)
Dim propscope As String = props(0)
Dim instext As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
+ vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + propname + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <returns>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// The property " + propname + " returns a data type of "
+ proptype + "." + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </returns>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + Now.Today.ToString() + " - Robert C. Cain -
Created." + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
+ vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" " + propscope + " " + proptype + " " + propname + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" {" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" get" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" {" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" return _" + propname + ";" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" }" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" set" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" {" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" _" + propname + " = value;" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" }" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" }" + vbcrlf)
Dim inserttext As String = instext.ToString()
'This little dance will clear the selection and put the cursor at the end of
the procedure line
End Sub
Sub DocProcXML()
Dim vbcrlf As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf
Dim ts As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection()
Dim origprocline As String = ts.Text
Dim procline As String = ts.Text.Trim()
'First get the method name, scope, and datatype
Dim LeftParenPos = procline.IndexOf("(")
If LeftParenPos < 1 Then
MsgBox("Not a valid declaration.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Document
Exit Sub
End If
Dim ProcInfo As String = procline.Substring(0, LeftParenPos)
Dim ProcVars As String = procline.Substring(LeftParenPos + 1)
Dim RightParenPos As Integer = ProcVars.IndexOf(")")
If RightParenPos < 0 Then
MsgBox("This macro currently supports only declarations that are on a single
line. Please " _
+ "put the entire procedure definition on one line then run again.",
MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Document Procedure Standard Comments(")")
Exit Sub
End If
ProcVars = ProcVars.Substring(0, RightParenPos)
Dim ProcInfos() As String = ProcInfo.Trim().Split(" ")
Dim procscope = ProcInfos(0)
Dim procdatatype = ProcInfos(1)
Dim procname = ProcInfos(2)
Dim instext As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
+ vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + procname + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </summary>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// <returns> " + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// The method " + procname + " returns a data type of " +
procdatatype + "." + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// </returns> " + vbcrlf)
If ProcVars.Length > 0 Then
Dim vars() As String = ProcVars.Split(",")
Dim var As String
For Each var In vars
instext.Append(" /// <param name=" + Chr(34))
Dim varparts() As String = var.Trim().Split(" ")
instext.Append(varparts(1) + Chr(34) + ">")
instext.Append(varparts(1) + " a variable of type " + varparts(0) +
"</param>" + vbcrlf)
End If
instext.Append(" /// <revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
instext.Append(" /// " + Now.ToString() + " - Robert C. Cain - Created." +
instext.Append(" /// </revisionhistory>" + vbcrlf)
+ vbcrlf)
Dim inserttext As String = instext.ToString()
ts.Insert(inserttext, vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtStart)
'This little dance will clear the selection and put the cursor at the end of
the procedure line
End Sub
End Module