Macros are disabled (How to)



Hello all,

I wrote some code in my excel file and now that I'm done, I'd like to
cause the message that says "Macros are disabled beacuse the security
level........" but when I change my security level to High, close and
re-open the file the message does not appear, the code simply is not

Thanks for any help.

Snake Plissken

Hello all,
I wrote some code in my excel file and now that I'm done, I'd like to
cause the message that says "Macros are disabled beacuse the security
level........" but when I change my security level to High, close and
re-open the file the message does not appear, the code simply is not

What exactly do you want? Disable the warning message or enable macros when
security level is high ?


The way I read it, he wants to see the message that macros are disabled. If
he wanted to disable the macros, he could delete them or comment them out.
He apparently wants to secure them out with his virus scan.


Hi guys,

Indeed, I know how to disable and enable macros but I want to provoke
the message to appear when my security level is set to High and the
file opens for the first time.

Thanks for any help!


I get a message when I set the security level to medium or higher using the
Tools>Macro>Security facility to set the level. Don't know why you are not
getting one.

Snake Plissken

Hi guys,
Indeed, I know how to disable and enable macros but I want to provoke
the message to appear when my security level is set to High and the
file opens for the first time.

As I understood:
- the file contains macros and you want them to be there ( macros should be
functional I assume ? )
- you want security level set to High. Neverthless you want to see warning

Then I think you could add your own digital signature (private certificate)
to VBA projects so users would be warned that file contains macro written by
you and they may decide wether it should be switch on (optionally they could
install your certivicate so every macro signed with this certificate would
open without promt message). The file that opens program creating private
certificates is: selfcert.exe (I dont remember if all office versions works
this way)
Does it help ?




Hello JLGhiz,

Thank you for your response,

I know about that too, but It's not this message which appears when
security level is medium that I meant. The message that described
occurs only once (I suppose).

Don't spent much time about this issue although I very appreciate it!!!

Thanks again!


Hi Snake,

Thank for your response,

I know how to add a digital signature and all this stuff (I think..)
but it's not that I want to do now, the only thing that bothers me is
how to make excel show the 1st mesage that informs that macros are
disabled (has a button that shows help and how to enable macros...), I
don't know which are the "parameters" cause that again.

PS: Don't spent much time about this issue although I very much
appreciate it!!!

Thanks again

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