Macromedia on Internet Explorer 6



I appear not to have a flash player on my computer although when I look in my
program files Macromedia 8 is listed. When I go onto a number of websites
instead of a picture I get a small white box in the top left hand corner with
a triangle and a square in it.

When I go onto the macromedia website to try and download it it says I may
need to click on the gold bar at the top of the screen.. but instead of a
gold bar I get that stupid little box again!

Can anyone suggest how I can fix this? I'm desperate now, it's driving me



Ted Zieglar

is the name of a company that has created many highly successful programs.
The average web surfer will come across two of these: Shockwave and Flash.
You may have Shockwave installed but not Flash, or vice versa.

To obtain (or update) these programs, go to the macromedia web site and
download the free Shockwave player and/or the free Flash player. Look
carefully, since Macromedia offers dozens of different programs.

Simply follow the instructions and the web site will take care of


Ted Zieglar said:
is the name of a company that has created many highly successful programs.
The average web surfer will come across two of these: Shockwave and Flash.
You may have Shockwave installed but not Flash, or vice versa.

To obtain (or update) these programs, go to the macromedia web site and
download the free Shockwave player and/or the free Flash player. Look
carefully, since Macromedia offers dozens of different programs.

Simply follow the instructions and the web site will take care of


I replied to Ted that I have the same problem, but downloading does not work.
If you found a solution please let me know.


I have the same problem, flash player works with Godzilla and Netscape but
not Internet Explorer 6. Internet Explorer tell me I eed to download but
when I down load it does not complete the download or it is already there.
The problem is unique to IE.


I resolved my problem. I had pop blocker 6.0.5 installed. Under Flash Ads I
had no relative to Macromedia Flash Player and Shockwave. After changing to
yes, I was able to download Flash Player and it works OK.


There is a bug in the latest version of Flash,, which was made
available on March 14, 2006, following Macromedia/Adobe and Microsoft both
issuing a warning about a critical security flaw in version and ALL
previous versions, which also affects Shockwave.

The bug prevents Flash from working properly in any kind of Windows user
account other than Administrator. In WIN XP (Home) SP2 it will not work in a
so-called "Limited User" account; it is inoperative in any kind of restricted
user account in other versions of Windows.

The symtoms you describe are consistent with this bug. It also causes many
web sites to lose part or all of their functionality. Macromedia/Adobe are
aware of this problem but have not been able to produce a fix as of this
time. They posted a temporary fix involving a change in the permissions of a
HKLM registry key, but that has not fully solved the problem. BTW you cannot
fully remove Flash 8 from the Add/Remove applet of the Control Panel. You
must download a special uninstaller from Macromedia.

I stumbled across your query after checking here to see if anyone here has
come up with a better solution. The word about the bug seems not to have
spread too far yet.


I also have the same problem with web sites that have flash content.
Macromedia Flash Player 8 is installed and seems to be working according the
the Macromedia support website but it is not recognized by IE6. I am running
as Admin and have tried disabling my pop-up blockers. Interestingly enough,
the same sites with flash content work fine if I use the Foxfire browser.

Any clues would be appreciated.



Did you install Security Patch MS06-020, which was related to Flash? There
are all kinds of problems being reported with it.

Also, do you have any older versions of Flash still on your machine? Very
few people are aware of the fact that when one updates Flash the previous
version is not automatically uninstalled. It has to be done manually via the
control panel for older versions and with a special uninstaller from
Macromedia for Flash 8.


Did you install Security Patch MS06-020, which was related to Flash? There
are all kinds of problems being reported with it.

So, do we have to remove this one to get Flash working? Which one is it?
"I'm not afraid of insects taking over the world, and you know why? It
would take about a million ants just to aim a gun at me, let alone fire
it. And you know what I'm doing while they're aiming it at me? I just
sort of slip off to the side, and then suddenly run up and kick the gun
out of their hands." --Jack Handy from Saturday Night Live
/ /\ /\ \ Phillip (Ant) @ (Personal Web Site)
| |o o| | Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL):
\ _ / Remove ANT from e-mail address: (e-mail address removed)
( ) or (e-mail address removed)
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.


I do not have the MS06-020 patch installed. I have uninstalled all
Macromedia, Shockwave and Flash software. At this point, if I go to a page
with Flash content, IE6 alerts me that I need to install the Flash Player.
(but Firefox still plays the content fine??) If I go back to IE6, install
the Flash Player, I'm back to where I started. ie. Using IE, I get messages
in saying I need Macromedia Flash Player 8 but if I try to install it, it
says it's there and working.
Al W


1. Provide more details on just exactly how you uninstalled them, inasmuch as
Firefox apparently still thinks Flash is installed.

2. In what kind of user account is this occurring? (See my earlier post
concerning the Flash bug in this thread.)

Although I missed adding the message to this thread, in fact Macromedia did
come up with a successful workaround to the bug I mentioned earlier in this
thread, but it requires editing the registry. (I did post this info to a
different thread.)


1. I uninstalled all Macromedia apps via the control panel Add/Remove
Software. I did not manually delete any folders or edit the registry.
Since Foxfire still plays content, I assume the problem has to do with a IE
plug-in that is diffent from the Foxfire plug-in.

2. As mentioned in my original post, I'm running XP Home in an Admin user.


Sorry for the delay in responding.

Go to Macromedia website and download the special uninstaller for Flash 8.
(You cannot completely uninstall Flash from the Control Panel.) Then run the
special uninstaller. Following that manually delete any remaining
folders/files left on your hard drive pertaining to Flash and Shockwave. Then
go back to Macromedia and download newest versions. Beware that
Flash/Shockwave will not work subsequently in any kind of restricted/limited
user account unless you tweak the registry per Macromedia's bug workaround.


I just thought of something. Are you aware that at least some of the
Flash/Shockwave files are actually located in the Windows\System 32 folder?
Check there for Flash.OCX and SWFlash.OCX files. Delete them, as per previous


Thanks for the help. I used the Macromedia uninstall and manually delete the
..ocx files. It did remove the player since content didn't play in either IE
or Foxefire.

I tried re-installing the Flash Player 8 for IE and it still is not
recognized. I then installed the Foxfire player and it works fine.

I'm back to my original state. It seems like an IE problem. I'm certainly
not going to pay for MS support or spend any more of my time or yours. The
BEST solution it to giveup on IE and go to Foxfire as my main browser.


Open IE, go to Tools>>Internet Options>>Advanced>>Multimedia. Are the
"Play..." choices checked off?


I do have all the play options checked. All media seems to work fine with
the exception of flash.

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