Macromedia flash problem



I have uninstalled and reinstalled Macromedia flash several times. The
macromedia site indicates that is successfully installed, but yet it is not
recognized by the websites (i.e. and shockwave).

I have Windows XP SP2 with all updates and Explorer 6.0.

I have tried everything mentioned in the thread below, but it did not fix my

After I downloaded Windows Script 5.6 for Windows XP and Windows 2000 , I
received this error:

Error registering the OCX C:\WINNT\system32\vbscript.dll

It then told me that Windows Script 5.6 was successfully installed, but I
stil have the same problem.

What do I do now? I appreciate any help.

This is the thread that I referred to above.

Jon said:
Download and install this package

Then retry both the website and the 2 line script again.

Also, consider upgrading your version of Internet Explorer, if you are using
an older version
(Help > About Internet Explorer will tell you your current version)


Kathryn said:
Hi Jon

I received the following message "Can't find script engine "VBScript" for
script "C:\Documents and Settings\Kate\My Documents\flashtest.vbs".


Jon said:
Hi Kathryn

Try pasting these 2 lines into notepad (between the stars) and save the
with a .vbs extension

set a = createobject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")
msgbox "ok"

Click on the newly created file, and see if it pops up an ok message, or
get an error message about not being able to create an object


Hi Jon

Yes, these were already enabled in both Trusted Sites and Internet.
comes up with No Flash error.
Thanks for taking the time to read my thread, I look forward to reading



Ensure these are all set to "enable"

Tools > Internet Options > Security (tab) > [Click on "Trusted Sites"]

Custom Level

(and / or
Tools > Internet Options > Security (tab) > [Click on "Internet"] >
Level )

Under "ActiveX Controls and plug-ins".................
Initialize and Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting
Run Activex controls and plug-ins

Under "Scripting"........................
Active Scripting



somebody needs to file a class action lawsuit or these mother ****ers
need to be fined by some government agency which we don't have yet, for
some unknown reason.

I would like to shove macromedia right back up their ass, let them
see how it feels

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