

I have created a command button which runs the macro of
adding a note. I would now like that same command button
to add a cell value whenever the note is added. For

If I have $100 in cell A1. This is going to be the cell
addition value I can use in the script.

Now anywhere in the spreadsheet, say I add $1000. I want
my command button to add the note (which is already
created) but also add the value in A1. So this means, the
$1000 cell will change to $1100 with a note attached. The
last thing I tried did not work. Maybe I am doing it

Paul B

TN, please keep to the same post, no need to start another one, after
reading this one see if this will do what you want, if not it may help to
post the code that you are using for us to look at

ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value + Range("A1")

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 97 & 2000
** remove news from my email address to reply by email **


I still need help with this one. because I think I have
simplified the explanation too much

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