Outlook Macro to set Reminder on a Contact tomorro 9:00

Mar 29, 2018
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I have a Macro that should set reminder time in opened custom contact form to next day 09:00
There should be no beginning and due date simply the reminder date.( see Attatched Picture)

Public Sub Morgen09()
Dim objMsg As Object
' GetCurrent Item function is athttp://slipstick.me/e8mio
Set objMsg = GetCurrentItem()
With objMsg
' due this week flag
.MarkAsTask olMarkNoDate
' sets a specific due date
'.TaskDueDate = Now + 3
'.FlagRequest = "Nachverfolgung"
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderTime = Date + 1 + #9:00:00 AM#
End With
Set objMsg = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Set objApp = Application
On Error Resume Next
Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer"
Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Case "Inspector"
Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End Select
Set objApp = Nothing
End Function

I noticed that if there was a reminder set bevor and I click on the macro the contact stays marked red in the view
I think in the macro should be a line to clear(delete) the reminder before setting the new reminder for tomorrow 9:00
How can I archive this?

THX for help
Regards Witzker


  • reminder 9_00.webp
    reminder 9_00.webp
    16.7 KB · Views: 160
Help Pls..
Not even one Idea?
Not sure if it the reminder is the problem but you can try this.
It will not make a difference if you set the reminder to false first. Only when you save the item with reminderset =false the item will be updated.
test something like
if .reminderset = true then
msgbox "click macro again"
end if
so it sets it to false and tells you to click the macro again
THX for Answer
this dammed thing is still Red
jack at remindertime is gone with the macro but still red!

Hope you have another Idea how to.
THX again for your Help