I have a Macro that should set reminder time in opened custom contact form to next day 09:00
There should be no beginning and due date simply the reminder date.( see Attatched Picture)
Public Sub Morgen09()
Dim objMsg As Object
' GetCurrent Item function is athttp://slipstick.me/e8mio
Set objMsg = GetCurrentItem()
With objMsg
' due this week flag
.MarkAsTask olMarkNoDate
' sets a specific due date
'.TaskDueDate = Now + 3
'.FlagRequest = "Nachverfolgung"
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderTime = Date + 1 + #9:00:00 AM#
End With
Set objMsg = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Set objApp = Application
On Error Resume Next
Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer"
Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Case "Inspector"
Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End Select
Set objApp = Nothing
End Function
I noticed that if there was a reminder set bevor and I click on the macro the contact stays marked red in the view
I think in the macro should be a line to clear(delete) the reminder before setting the new reminder for tomorrow 9:00
How can I archive this?
THX for help
Regards Witzker
There should be no beginning and due date simply the reminder date.( see Attatched Picture)
Public Sub Morgen09()
Dim objMsg As Object
' GetCurrent Item function is athttp://slipstick.me/e8mio
Set objMsg = GetCurrentItem()
With objMsg
' due this week flag
.MarkAsTask olMarkNoDate
' sets a specific due date
'.TaskDueDate = Now + 3
'.FlagRequest = "Nachverfolgung"
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderTime = Date + 1 + #9:00:00 AM#
End With
Set objMsg = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Set objApp = Application
On Error Resume Next
Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer"
Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Case "Inspector"
Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End Select
Set objApp = Nothing
End Function
I noticed that if there was a reminder set bevor and I click on the macro the contact stays marked red in the view
I think in the macro should be a line to clear(delete) the reminder before setting the new reminder for tomorrow 9:00
How can I archive this?
THX for help
Regards Witzker