Macro to run queries

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date


I have no previous knowledge of macros in Access, however,
I have three queries that i would like to run. The things
I need to consider is that query c must wait for query b
to run before starting, whilst query b must wait for query
a to run before starting.

Also, as I run each query i get asked one or both of the
following, to which I always select "Yes":

i) You are about to run an update query that will modify
data in your table. Are you sure that you want to run
this type of query ?
ii) You are about to update x rows. Do you want to
continue ?

Any ideas how to do this ?

many thanks Sheila
-----Original Message-----
Create a new macro and choose the OpenQuery action in
the frist row of the grid. At the bottom half of the
screen choose the name of 'Query a'
Repeat OpenQuery action for 'Query b' and 'c'

If you want to suppress the messages you can use the
SetWarnings action on the first row of the macro. Make
sure the property at the bottom of the screen is set to