Macro to print reports

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Hello everyone
I have like 30 reports to print every month. I will build a macro for it.
Quite simple i guess. Most of those reports have a query. Most of them, query
and reports have a filter and a criteria, but the real question is : I'd like
to "ask" from wich date to wich date to them all and of course that input
data appears on each report. I think i have to add a filter on my report but
i would like to print all 30 reports just saying one the date in and the date
Hope i was clear and thanks in advance for all you can do for me.
Macro1 Step1 action opens a form that has undound textboxes. Enter your
dates in the textboxes. Reference use textboxes as criteria in your queries.
Have a command button on the form to call Macro1 Step2 action to run your 30

Just to add to Karl's excellent advice, I understand that the selected
criteria should also print on the report. To do this, you can again
refer to the textboxes on the form. For example, you may have a textbox
in the Report Header, with its Control Source set to something like this:

="Report for period " &
Format([Forms]![YourForm]![DateFrom],"dd-mmm-yy") & " to " &
I did built a form with those two controls and after i execute my form and
before input any value my controls says : "#Name?".
Can you please help me

Steve Schapel said:

Just to add to Karl's excellent advice, I understand that the selected
criteria should also print on the report. To do this, you can again
refer to the textboxes on the form. For example, you may have a textbox
in the Report Header, with its Control Source set to something like this:

="Report for period " &
Format([Forms]![YourForm]![DateFrom],"dd-mmm-yy") & " to " &

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

KARL said:
Macro1 Step1 action opens a form that has undound textboxes. Enter your
dates in the textboxes. Reference use textboxes as criteria in your queries.
Have a command button on the form to call Macro1 Step2 action to run your 30

What are the names of the textboxes on the form? And what do you have
entered there for the Control Source property of the textboxes? (In
fact, they need to be unbound controls, i.e. the Control Source should
be blank - but I suspect that is not the case at the moment...)