Macro to delete "unpinned" recent files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Geoff Budd
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Geoff Budd

I have the following macro to remove all the recently open file names (except
that are "pinned") from the Office Button in Excel 2007 - kindly supplied by
one of the experts in these forums:

Sub ClearMRU_NotPinned()
Dim rFile As RecentFile
Dim WSHShell, RegKey, rKeyWord
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU\"
For Each rFile In Application.RecentFiles
rKeyWord = WSHShell.RegRead(RegKey & "Item " & rFile.Index)
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
End If
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000002]") Then
End If
Next rFile
End Sub

However, when I run it, I get the following error message:

Run-time error '1004'
Application-defined or object-defined error

The debug highlights the statement:
rKeyWord = WSHShell.RegRead(RegKey & "Item " & rFile.Index)

Has anybody got any ideas on what I need to do to make this work?

(P.S. I had a recent thread for this, but it dried up after a couple of
responses, so I'm opening it again from where it left off, in the hope of
resolving this problem).

Many thanks.

The error hapens because deleting items 'on the fly' messes up the index so
if you build an array of file indexes to delete the problem goes away. I'm no
authority on the registry but believe that you only need to check for
"[F00000000]") to indicate an unpinned file. It's worked in all my testing

Sub ClearMRU_NotPinned()
On Error Resume Next
Dim delfiles()
Max = Application.RecentFiles.Count
ReDim delfiles(1 To Max)
Dim WSHShell, RegKey, rKeyWord
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU\"
For x = 1 To Application.RecentFiles.Count
rKeyWord = WSHShell.RegRead(RegKey & "Item " &
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
delfiles(x) = Application.RecentFiles(x).Index
End If
For x = UBound(delfiles()) To 1 Step -1
IsPinned = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(x, delfiles(), 0)
If IsPinned = "" Then
IsPinned = ""
IsPinned = ""
End If
End Sub

Further testing and I agree your right, well spotted. 50 does seem to be the
max in E2007 so the modified version of my code is below. Thanks for pointing
that out, as I said in my first post with regards to the registry I'm an
absolute novice.

Sub ClearMRU_NotPinned()
On Error Resume Next
OriginalMax = Application.RecentFiles.Maximum
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = 50
Dim delfiles()
Max = Application.RecentFiles.Count
ReDim delfiles(1 To Max)
Dim WSHShell, RegKey, rKeyWord
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU\"
For X = 1 To Application.RecentFiles.Count
rKeyWord = WSHShell.RegRead(RegKey & "Item " &
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
delfiles(X) = Application.RecentFiles(X).Index
End If
For X = UBound(delfiles()) To 1 Step -1
IsPinned = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(X, delfiles(), 0)
If IsPinned = "" Then
IsPinned = ""
IsPinned = ""
End If
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = OriginalMax
End Sub

Thanks everybody. I've ended up with the following code, which effectively
just counts backwards, deleting as it goes, and that seems to work.
By the way, the reason I test for [F00000002] is that this indicates a
read-only file that is not pinned - so to catch them all, I have to delete
all those that are prefixed by [F00000000] or [F00000002].
This also works for Word 2007 if you replace "\12.0\Excel\File MRU\" by
"\12.0\Word\File MRU\" in the "RegKey=" statement.
Thanks again - you're all stars!

Sub ClearMRU_NotPinned()
Dim X, OriginalMax, NumberOfRecentFiles
Dim RegKey, rKeyWord, WSHShell
OriginalMax = Application.RecentFiles.Maximum
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = 50
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU\"
NumberOfRecentFiles = Application.RecentFiles.Count ' (original total file
For X = NumberOfRecentFiles To 1 Step -1
rKeyWord = WSHShell.RegRead(RegKey & "Item " &
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
End If
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000002]") Then
End If
Next X
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = OriginalMax
End Sub

Mike H said:

Further testing and I agree your right, well spotted. 50 does seem to be the
max in E2007 so the modified version of my code is below. Thanks for pointing
that out, as I said in my first post with regards to the registry I'm an
absolute novice.

Sub ClearMRU_NotPinned()
On Error Resume Next
OriginalMax = Application.RecentFiles.Maximum
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = 50
Dim delfiles()
Max = Application.RecentFiles.Count
ReDim delfiles(1 To Max)
Dim WSHShell, RegKey, rKeyWord
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU\"
For X = 1 To Application.RecentFiles.Count
rKeyWord = WSHShell.RegRead(RegKey & "Item " &
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
delfiles(X) = Application.RecentFiles(X).Index
End If
For X = UBound(delfiles()) To 1 Step -1
IsPinned = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(X, delfiles(), 0)
If IsPinned = "" Then
IsPinned = ""
IsPinned = ""
End If
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = OriginalMax
End Sub


p45cal said:
If I'm right about Application.RecentFiles.Count (this value is the
smaller of the number of entries in the registry and the
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum (this last is the -Number of Recent
files to show-)) being possibly smaller than the number of entries in
the registry, then code so far put forward will only delete those
visible in the Office Button list; others in the registry will move up
and become visible in the Office Button list. So we could temporarily
set the -Number of Recent files to show- to its maximum of 50 and put it
back to its previous setting afterwards:

OriginalMax = Application.RecentFiles.Maximum
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = 50
'do the main processing here
Application.RecentFiles.Maximum = OriginalMax

Now as long as there are never more than 50 entries in the registry
(can there be?) it should never have to be run more than once.


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Yes I agree it's precisely the same as deleting rows on a worksheet, do it
forwards on the fly and you'll potentially miss rows, do it backwards and you

I ended up with 2 loops because of my confessed lack of understanding of the
registry. I had no idea that it held a record of items not displayed in the
recent files list. I imagined that when you set Excel to display n items then
the registry only held n records with records higher than n being deleted
from the registry.

With the benefit of this new found knowledge I would do it in a single
reverse loop. I didn't bother re-writing the code to do this because as the
OP hasn't responded to the post in > 9hrs I guessed interest in it had been

Hi p45cal
I don't think both Ifs can be true as the first 11 characters of each
registry entry will contain either [F00000000], [F00000001], [F00000002] or
[F00000003]. They can't contain more than one of these strings
However, your one-line code seems very neat!
Looking at my original code again, it's surprising that the If statements
actually work at all, as the InStr function will return either 1 (if it finds
the string, which will start in position 1) or 0 (if it doesn't find it). As
the If statement is looking for either True (-1) or False (0), it seems
interesting that it executes the delete even though the InStr returns 1.
Perhaps the If statement only checks for False (0)? I think to be absolutely
safe, maybe the If statement should read:
If (InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]")=1) Then ...

My original post that dried up was was in the Excel Programming group here
and was entitled:
Macro to delete Recent Files list (except those "pinned") - Excel.
It was dated 10/20/2009

If InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") or InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000002]")
Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete

You can "simplify" the above line by using the Like operator instead of the
InStr function...

If rKeyWord Like "[[]F0000000[02]]" Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete

Rick (MVP - Excel)

p45cal said:
if that works - great.
Being picky-picky, the only thing I'd like to see changed here is this

If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
End If
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000002]") Then
End If

In the unlikely event of both those IFs being true (I know, I know -
very unlikely), then both IFs would try to delete a file - but they'd be

How about combining the above 6 lines into one IF (There's no need for
*End If*s if there's only one action to undertake):

If InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") or InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000002]")
Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete
(and I've taken out the *1*s from the -Instr- functions -
not needed)

BTW, where did you post before - where the thread 'dried up'?
Thanks Rick. I think we'd better close this thread now as we've solved the
basic problem and we could go on forever making the code more elegant.
Thanks to everyone for all the helpful suggestions.
Best wishes,

Rick Rothstein said:
If InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") or InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000002]")
Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete

You can "simplify" the above line by using the Like operator instead of the
InStr function...

If rKeyWord Like "[[]F0000000[02]]" Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete

Rick (MVP - Excel)

p45cal said:
if that works - great.
Being picky-picky, the only thing I'd like to see changed here is this

If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
End If
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000002]") Then
End If

In the unlikely event of both those IFs being true (I know, I know -
very unlikely), then both IFs would try to delete a file - but they'd be

How about combining the above 6 lines into one IF (There's no need for
*End If*s if there's only one action to undertake):

If InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") or InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000002]")
Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete
(and I've taken out the *1*s from the -Instr- functions -
not needed)

BTW, where did you post before - where the thread 'dried up'?

The purpose of my posting that code snippet was not to show that I can write
"elegant" code; rather, it is my way of introducing readers of the thread to
what I think is a very powerful VB construct... the Like operator. My hope
is that seeing it in action will spur those interested readers into checking
it out in the help files and then put it to use in their own coding.

Rick (MVP - Excel)

Geoff Budd said:
Thanks Rick. I think we'd better close this thread now as we've solved
basic problem and we could go on forever making the code more elegant.
Thanks to everyone for all the helpful suggestions.
Best wishes,

Rick Rothstein said:
If InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") or InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000002]")
Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete

You can "simplify" the above line by using the Like operator instead of
InStr function...

If rKeyWord Like "[[]F0000000[02]]" Then

Rick (MVP - Excel)

p45cal said:
if that works - great.
Being picky-picky, the only thing I'd like to see changed here is this

If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") Then
End If
If InStr(1, rKeyWord, "[F00000002]") Then
End If

In the unlikely event of both those IFs being true (I know, I know -
very unlikely), then both IFs would try to delete a file - but they'd

How about combining the above 6 lines into one IF (There's no need for
*End If*s if there's only one action to undertake):

If InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000000]") or InStr(rKeyWord, "[F00000002]")
Then Application.RecentFiles(X).Delete
(and I've taken out the *1*s from the -Instr- functions -
not needed)

BTW, where did you post before - where the thread 'dried up'?


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