Macro to delete rows

Mar 1, 2007
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I am only novice in Excel-VBA and I was trying to find an easier way to delete rows containing certain words and retaining rows with the word "current" only.

The problem is that the data range I have varies from time to time so I cannot assign certain number of rows as a parameter in doing the code.

pls help
Assuming the term “current” is in a column of its own, and assuming there are no empty cells in that column, the process would be very simple.

Assume column B would have the values “current” and your say 5 columns with data are A to E. Code below will identify the cell, select the row, delete it and once it has finished deleting all the rows with “current” in them, get rid of the empty rows:



Do Until Selection.Value = ""

If Selection.Value = "current" Then

Selection.Offset(0, -1).Select

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select


Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select


Selection.Offset(-1, 1).Select

End If

Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select



Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _

OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom


To suit your own sheet, you change the column “B1” with whichever column will have the “current”. You change the 4th line [Selection.Offset(0, -1).Select] to have the correct offset value to reach column “A”. i.e. if “current” is under column “C” then Offset(0, -2), if under “D” then Offset(0, -3) and so on.

Likewise, in the last line before “End if” [Selection.Offset(-1, 1).Select], the second offset value should be replaced by the positive value of the negative offset you have used in line 4. i.e.: for column C Offset(-1, 2), or for column D Offset(-1, 3), and so on.

Finally, when getting rid of the cleared rows, it will sort your sheet in “ascending” order (see where it says “Order1:=xlAscending” in the last two lines) using the column “A” as can be seen in “Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"),”

You can change it to sort Descending or by a different column, by replacing the column letter “A” with the right column and by replacing Ascending with Descending.
Why make life simple, if the data to be selected can vary from column to column, why bother wasting time with vba macros in excel

Just use the builtin filter, you can specify what to filter out, ie to filter out cells/rows that DO NOT contain woud possibly look like <>="Current", once the rows that meet this criteria you should be left with the result that you do not want, and you should then be able to delete change or what ever.

Life is to short, keep it simple.