First, Ron de Bruin has a lot of info on this page:
There are a lot of shapes you do not want to delete (data|validation dropdowns,
arrows from autofilters, comments and any more you can think of...)
Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim testStr As String
Dim RowToDelete As Long
Dim TopLeftCellRow As Long
Dim OkToDelete As Boolean
RowToDelete = 3
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
TopLeftCellRow = 0
On Error Resume Next
TopLeftCellRow = shp.TopLeftCell.Row
On Error GoTo 0
If TopLeftCellRow = 0 Then
'not a shape to delete, so skip it
If TopLeftCellRow = RowToDelete Then
OkToDelete = True
If shp.Type = msoComment Then
OkToDelete = False
ElseIf shp.Type = msoFormControl Then
If shp.FormControlType = xlDropDown Then
'it might be a data|validation dropdown
testStr = ""
On Error Resume Next
testStr = shp.TopLeftCell.Address
On Error GoTo 0
If testStr = "" Then
OkToDelete = False
End If
End If
End If
If OkToDelete Then
End If
End If
End If
Next shp
End Sub
Is there a way to, when a macro deletes the current row, to also have
it find and delete any drawn objects [circles, rectangles, etc]. when
my macro deletes a row, a remnant of the drawn object, which appears
as a line, remains.
I am using XL 2002.