Macro to add text to cell




I browsed through all the other posts before posting this. I was hoping it
would be a easy macro, but it doesn't appear to be so I thank anyone that
helps in advance.

What I need is a Macro that will do the following:

1. Look at the data in each cell of Range X6:x361
2. Find "IP/OP Obs"
3. Enter "No IP acuity documented; should have been OP Observation" into the
corresponding cell for that row in column BK

And I need it to loop continuously. In addition I need to prevent the macro
from giving me an error when it comes to a blank cell.

Mike H


Right click your sheet tab, view code and paste the code below in and run
it. Running it all the time isn't practical but you could run it every n
seconds/minutes and to do this have a look at ontime here.

Sub Sonic()
For Each c In Range("X6:X361")
If c.Value = "IP/OP Obs" Then
c.Offset(, 39).Value = "No IP acuity documented; should have been OP
End If
End Sub


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