I am writing a macro in Visual Studio .Net 2003, and I was wondering if it is possible for a macro to access properties of objects that are selected. For instance, assume I have the following object declared (on a different page, but it can still be instanciated)
Class rectangl
Private _height as doubl
Private _length as doubl
Public Property height(
Public Property width(
End Clas
Now, is there a way, using a macro, to take a name of an object type and then print the properties to the screen
For instance - the object name 'rectangle' would print out
Property: heigh
Property: weigh
I'm relatively new to this, and I suspect that if it could be done, it might be done using reflection, but I don't know how to approach it
Can anyone provide help in this matter
Andrew Wied
I am writing a macro in Visual Studio .Net 2003, and I was wondering if it is possible for a macro to access properties of objects that are selected. For instance, assume I have the following object declared (on a different page, but it can still be instanciated)
Class rectangl
Private _height as doubl
Private _length as doubl
Public Property height(
Public Property width(
End Clas
Now, is there a way, using a macro, to take a name of an object type and then print the properties to the screen
For instance - the object name 'rectangle' would print out
Property: heigh
Property: weigh
I'm relatively new to this, and I suspect that if it could be done, it might be done using reflection, but I don't know how to approach it
Can anyone provide help in this matter
Andrew Wied