Macro, Persoanl Work book and CSV workbooks

  • Thread starter Thread starter James Agostinho
  • Start date Start date

James Agostinho

Hello NG,
A couple of questions please first off I can't seem to save a macro in CSV
type work book, is this a feature of Excel or am I doing this wrong?
And secondly how do I create a personal work book so I can use macros in any
opened work book.
I create a new work once a week and need to upload the file as a CSV to the
main office but I don't know the proper way to say macros;-|
Any suggestions please
A CSV file is a textfile, so you can't save macros (or formatting) to a CSV
file. It is used to transport data.

open the workbook that contains the data you want to save in a CSV

make the page with the data active.

do Files=>Saveas and in the file type dropdown at the bottom choose CSV.

Click OK.

Now close the workbook without saving. (it was already saved).

Note that a CSV only will contain data from the activesheet. (it is a single
sheet format)

To create a personal.xls, go to tools=>Macro=>Record a new macro. It should
ask if you want to save the macro in the personal workbook. Choose yes.
Select a few cells, turn off recording.

You should now have a personal.xls You can see it by going to the VBE and
it is in the project explorer.

Whenever you open Excel it should be opened as well, but it is hidden
(Window => Unhide).
Thanks for the info on the CSV files, I didn't know about the file formats
for them.
And when I get to work in the morning I'll try t he one for the personal
Thanks Again.