Macro Name



When assigning a macro to a button it by default in 3 files automatically
assigns the file path to the name, for example macro 'fullview' becomes,
'k:\operations\richard\testfile.xls!fullview'. If then you open the file as
readonly none of the marcos work as 'Read Only' is in the title and macro
name does not include this. I've tried recreating the code but it always does
this. Any ideas on how I can stop this from happening?

Thank you in advance for any guidance that you can give.


Dave Peterson

What kind of button is it?

Is is a button from the Forms toolbar placed on a worksheet?

If yes, try using a commandbutton from the control toolbox toolbar. There is no
assignment of macros with these commandbuttons.

Is it a button on a toolbar?

Your life will become much simpler if you include code to create the toolbar
when the workbook is opened and include code to destroy the toolbar when the
workbook is closed.

For additions to the worksheet menu bar, I really like the way John Walkenbach
does it in his menumaker workbook:

Here's how I do it when I want a toolbar:
(from Debra Dalgleish's site)


Hi Dave - it is a button from the forms toolbar. I'll replace it with a
commandbutton as a work around, though im intriged why it is happening.

Thank you for your help.


Dave Peterson

The button is assigned to a macro in that original workbook. You can either
reassign that macro (maybe in code??) or find a different solution.

The commandbutton is a pretty easy option <vbg>.

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